Experience one of America’s favorite premium cigars, now available in a single freshloc to keep each stick fresh and protected. Ideal for travel, these single freshloc cigars maintain their freshness without taking up much space.
Montecristo Classic Cigars are meticulously handmade in La Romana, Dominican Republic. Crafted from the highest-grade Connecticut Shade wrapper, these cigars are paired with the finest Dominican binder and filler.
The Montecristo Classic is a medium-bodied cigar that exudes a sweet aroma of honey and flowers. Delight your senses with flavorful notes of:
With its perfect combination of sweetness and boldness, the Montecristo Classic offers an extra smooth finish. It’s blended specifically for the true connoisseur.
Regarded as one of the top-quality cigars available, the Montecristo Classic is a sublime choice for any cigar aficionado seeking unparalleled quality and taste.
Brand: Montecristo