The Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro is a luxurious cigar that exemplifies premium craftsmanship and outstanding flavor. Handrolled with precision, this cigar promises an extraordinary smoking experience from start to finish.
This cigar is renowned for its robust and rich flavors, perfectly balanced with a smooth finish. The aroma emanates scents of cedar and aged tobacco, while the foot releases delightful hints of chocolate and peppery spice notes.
Handcrafted with no soft spots, the Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro is wrapped in a delicious Ecuadorian-grown Sumatra-seed wrapper. The Nicaraguan binder and filler work in harmony to create a seamless blend of flavors.
Indulge in a full-flavored yet smooth smoking journey with the Oliva Serie V Melanio Double Toro. Perfect for those who appreciate a well-balanced cigar with depth and complexity.
Brand: Oliva Cigars