La Flor Dominicana Double Claro introduces its first candela cigar, featuring a distinctive green wrapper derived from a unique curing process. Expertly crafted by Master Blender Litto Gomez, this cigar hails from La Flor Dominicana's own La Canela farm, where meticulous attention ensures top-notch quality.
This medium-bodied cigar offers a complex array of flavors, releasing superb aromas of sweetness, pepper, cedar, and graham notes. The Double Claro is a delightful introduction to candela cigars, making it an ideal choice for those new to this unique style.
La Flor Dominicana is a vertically integrated premium cigar company. From seed to final grading, inspection, and packaging, they proudly control the entire process. Their tobacco factory is located in Tamboril, ensuring consistent and high-quality production.
If you've never tried a candela cigar, the La Flor Dominicana Double Claro is an exceptional starting point. Experience the masterful blend and quality that sets it apart and discover why it’s a standout in the world of premium cigars.
Brand: La Flor Dominicana