La Aroma de Cuba Reserva Belicoso is meticulously handcrafted by the renowned master blender Jose 'Pepin' Garcia in Esteli, Nicaragua. This cigar represents the pinnacle of the Garcia family's craftsmanship, making it a standout in the world of premium cigars.
The cigar features stunning chocolaty-brown Oscuro wrappers grown in Mexico from Cuban seeds. These wrappers not only add to the visual appeal but also contribute to the unique flavor profile of the cigar.
The Reserva Belicoso boasts a beautifully bold blend of the finest, most diligently aged Nicaraguan tobaccos. This exceptional blend offers a full-bodied strength that cigar aficionados will appreciate.
Indulge in a rich and decadent flavor profile defined by:
La Aroma de Cuba Reserva Belicoso has received an outstanding 90 rating from Cigar Aficionado magazine, solidifying its status as one of the finest cigars available today.
Brand: La Aroma De Cuba