H Upmann Miami Deco Magnum cigars offer a rich experience of classical tastes, reminiscent of a simpler time in the world of premium tobacco. Inspired by the savory, Cuban-style smokes enjoyed by Mike Mersel on the sunny shores of Miami Beach, these cigars are a nod to vintage sophistication and timeless pleasure.
Crafted from a radiant crop of luscious Nicaraguan tobacco and enveloped in a sublime Habano wrapper, these cigars promise an exceptional smoking experience. Each puff delivers a plethora of classic tobacco flavors, with a surge of peaty earth on every draw, making them an extraordinary treat for the senses.
At six inches in length with a sixty ring gauge, this Magnum cigar provides an authentic hour of smoking jubilance. Built for those who appreciate rich, full-bodied cigars, the H Upmann Miami Deco Magnum is perfect for a leisurely smoke that transports you to the golden days of Miami Beach.
This exquisite collection comes with a finely crafted humidor, ensuring your cigars remain fresh and flavorful. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, this set is an elegant addition to your collection and a perfect gift for any cigar enthusiast.
Brand: H Upmann