The Gurkha Private Select Ron Abuelo Toro is an exquisite, medium strength cigar that hails from the renowned cigar-producing region of Nicaragua. Carefully hand crafted, this cigar features a smooth, natural USA Connecticut Shade wrapper.
The standout feature of this cigar is its wrapper, which is infused with seven-year-old Ron Abuelo rum. This infusion brings an indescribable sweetness to the cigar, making every puff a unique experience.
Encased in a dark and rich Maduro wrapper, the cigar is presented elegantly within Private Select's glass tube casing, which is capped with red melted wax. This meticulous sealing process ensures the preservation of the cigar's ample flavors.
The Gurkha Private Select Ron Abuelo Toro offers a symphony of flavors. It combines cocoa, earth, and leather, all beautifully underscored by the rum's sweetness. The Nicaraguan binder and filler further enhance the cigar's balanced and complex profile.
This medium-bodied masterpiece demands your attention from the very first draw and keeps you engaged until the final puff.
Brand: Gurkha