Gran Habano #1 handmade Honduras cigars are celebrated for their exceptional value. Experience the luxury of premium cigars without breaking the bank. Enjoy the compact sizes perfect for short smokes, making them an enticing and nearly exclusive feature of this elite lineup from Guillermo and George Rico.
Discover the Gran Habano Connecticut wrapped cigar, renowned for its mild yet richly sweet profile. The trademark green boxes are a signal of an elevated taste experience at a price that’s hard to beat. Ideal for those who appreciate a milder smoke, the Gran Habano #1 Connecticut promises to delight your senses.
Choose from an array of sizes to suit your smoking preference:
Or indulge in the entire range to fully appreciate the diversity and quality that Gran Habano #1 Connecticut cigars offer.
If you’re looking to explore a milder side of cigars, Gran Habano #1 Connecticut is your gateway to a refined and richly sweet smoking experience. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, this selection will elevate your expectations and enjoyment.
Brand: Gran Habano