Mike’s Cigars is proud to present D’Crossier cigars, a distinguished line crafted with an unparalleled level of expertise and dedication. Based in Miami, D'Crossier cigars represents a unique and standout operation in the world of fine cigars.
The company is spearheaded by Isaias Santana Diaz, who was born in Cuba and arrived in the United States in 1995 via Sweden. Having rolled his first cigar at the age of 17, Diaz's knowledge and craftsmanship are unrivaled in the industry.
D’Crossier cigars are the result of a unique cigar venture that employs a secret blend and the hands of expert Cuban artisans in Costa Rica. The cigars feature ligero tobacco that has been aged for an impressive seven years, ensuring a refined and well-balanced smoke.
Each box of D'Crossier cigars is kept in a controlled humidification environment and sealed with a special film to lock in the humidity. This meticulous process guarantees that every cigar maintains its optimal moisture level and quality.
The D'Crossier Imperium Class Vintage Genios offers an indulgent experience with its full-bodied, nutty flavors, complemented by a rich, creamy smoke and a long-lasting finish.
Brand: D'Crossier