Experience the exceptional craftsmanship of the Winston Churchill Belicoso 4, a cigar that recently received an outstanding 90 rating from Cigar Aficionado magazine. This luxurious cigar is a part of the revamped Davidoff White Label collection, celebrating the legacy of Sir Winston Churchill.
The Winston Churchill Belicoso 4 is built with a robust blend that includes:
Meticulously aged for a minimum of 4 years, the tobacco is selected to enhance the complexity and character of the blend, culminating in a cigar that's both rich and balanced.
This cigar offers an intricate flavor profile with:
Each puff delivers an aromatic and balanced experience that stands out from other Davidoff cigars.
The Winston Churchill cigar comes in four different sizes, each packed in boxes of 20:
Each size is crafted to reflect the complex character and rich legacy of Winston Churchill.
Brand: Davidoff Cigars