The CuestaRey cigar, enjoyed worldwide by millions, encapsulates 125 years of exceptional tasting cigars in one fine handmade beauty. Garnering a remarkable 94-point rating, this cigar offers more than just stunning looks.
Handmade at the acclaimed Tabacalera Arturo Fuente in the Dominican Republic, the Centro Fino sungrown collection features rich tobacco from Ecuador's Quevedo region. Utilizing hearty Sumatra-seed wrappers grown in nutrient-rich volcanic soils, this cigar is crafted from the finest wrapper tobaccos sourced from the 'Centro Fino' portion of the tobacco plant.
The combination of these premium wrappers with specially aged Dominican ligero fillers results in:
The CuestaRey Centro Fino cigars are presented in an elegantly designed, eye-catching box adorned with the CuestaRey logo and stunning artistry. The presentation matches the royal quality of the cigar itself, making it a true luxury experience.
Enjoy the Porterhouse cut of cigars, served with the finest elegance that only the royal family could match.
Brand: Cuesta Rey