Black & Mild Wine Cigars bring the sophisticated taste of a well-aged vintage red wine, combined with the rich, toasted flavors of classical pipe tobacco. This unique blend offers a luxurious smoking experience that is both captivating and satisfying.
Crafted with specialized American tobacco grown in Virginia, these cigars are blended with premium Black Cavendish. This combination creates signature woody notes that evoke the classic sensation of pipe smoking, making each puff a delightful experience.
Infused with a distinct red wine-inspired flavor, these cigars add a touch of sweetness on the draw. The captivating aroma when lit up enhances the overall experience, making it a perfect choice for smokers who appreciate refined flavors.
Each Black & Mild Wine Cigar is five inches long with a thirty ring gauge, offering up to twenty minutes of opulent satisfaction. This makes them ideal for a quick yet indulgent smoking session.
Brand: Black & Mild