The Asylum 867 Auntie 46x5 3/4 Corona Cigars are designed to take your smoking experience to a new level of enjoyment. These cigars explore new realms of flavor through a specialized method of infusing tantalizing tastes.
One of the highlights of these cigars is the unique steeping process. This involves immersing the tobacco in liquid to fully absorb the tasting notes before curing. This method ensures that every puff delivers a burst of flavor.
Constructed exclusively with high-grade Honduran tobacco, these cigars promise quality and consistency. From the filler to the wrapper, each component is made from pure Honduran tobacco.
The Asylum 867 Auntie cigars are spotlighted by their rich, epic Claro wrapper. This wrapper contributes to the cigar’s overall taste and enhances its visual appeal.
Each cigar measures five and three-quarter inches in length with a forty-six ring gauge. It provides a stupendous forty-minute smoke, making it perfect for a relaxing break.
Brand: Asylum