For twenty years, Ashton has tirelessly produced some of the highest quality and most consistent cigars available. To celebrate two decades of successive growth and increased sales, Robert Levin and Carlos Fuente Jr. have introduced a truly special cigar: the Ashton Estate Sun Grown, or ESG.
The Ashton ESG boasts a unique Dominican wrapper grown on the Chateau de la Fuente farm in the Dominican Republic. This exclusive wrapper has never been used on any other cigar, making it a hallmark of distinction.
Crafted by the renowned blender Carlos Fuente Jr., the Ashton ESG features a blend that represents the pinnacle of cigar making. Fuente Jr.'s expertise has produced some of the world's most sought-after cigars, and with Ashton ESG, he has once again set a higher standard.
Choose Ashton ESG 20 Year Salute for an unparalleled cigar experience that celebrates two decades of excellence and craftsmanship.
Brand: Ashton